Mantrailing Booking
Mantrailing FAQ’s
To get started on your Mantrailing journey, you will first need to complete an Introduction to Mantrailing session with a qualified Mantrailing Global Instructor
Yes. Dogs with struggles or those who are reactive are welcome in sessions. All dogs are worked individually, one at a time and we can work around/with their struggles.
The great thing about Mantrailing is that it is inclusive and it can help to build confidence in dogs that are nervous or wary of things.
All we ask is that you are honest with us about all behaviour issues so that we can tailor the sessions to their needs (you will be required to provide this information at the time of booking)
You will need:
- A Y-shaped harness (Avoid the no-pull ones)
- A longline (between 5-10m in length)
- Your usual collar and lead
- Gloves (in case your dog is a strong puller)
- Three food pots (sealable tuppaware)
- A high value food reward (we recommend something that is wet which can be licked, e.g. sardines, tuna, wet dog (or cat!) food, squeezy cheese, yoghurt and dog friendly peanut butter – it needs to be something that your dog will be motivated for and will go nuts for!) or their favourite toy if they are toy motivated
- Normal dog treats
- Water for the dog
- Poo bags
- Drinks and snacks for yourself
- Suitable footwear (e.g. walking boots or sturdy trainers)
- Suitable clothing (we trail in all kinds of weather!)
Yes, in between your trails, your dog will need to rest in the car. This gives them some down time and allows them to process their learning. You will also take part in other trails by being the missing person and you are also welcome to observe other teams trailing to help with your learning (N.B. Some dogs won’t be comfortable with this so their needs will come first).
If your dog struggles to settle in the car you are more than welcome to bring along a friend or family member to stay with the dog in the car.
Cars are never left unattended. There will always be at least one person that stays behind on vehicle and dog watch during our sessions.
Once you have completed your Introduction Session you are able to attend as many or as little Mantrailing Progression sessions. Some people go regularly (one or twice a week, others once a month. It is entirely up to you.